Shannon Bond
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Leeah Shipley Connects People and Community Through Cornerstone Coffee

Cornerstone coffee interior

People often move from job to job, searching for their why. The why can be hard to pin down; it shifts and moves below the surface, just out of reach. Does the plumber love every act of plumbing? Or, is it the satisfaction of a job well done or a customer need fulfilled that brings joy? For Leeah Shipley, coffee and pastries aren’t the why; the people and community behind the business drive her.

“I knew I wanted to do something with business that revolved around creating relationships with people and providing an open space for the community to meet. Coffee and pastries just seemed like the perfect gateway to create a space for people to fellowship, study, host meetings, or work online,” Shipley says.
After graduating from Park University in 2019 with a Bachelors in Business Administration and Management, she went to work for Headrush Roasters. “I came up with the plan to open a coffee shop in January 2019. I was in college at the time and would be graduating in May. I thought…read more